Saturday, June 26, 2010

Stranger in a Strange Land - Robert Heinlein

Stranger in a Strange Land was a book that I wasn't expecting to read, but I found it in amongst the books in our attic. It was a great science fiction book, probably one of the best of the genre that I've read. It was amazing to consider how ahead of its time it was (it was written in the early 1960s, even before the Space Race). I can understand why it was so controversial, but I enjoyed every page of it. The only thing that left me a bit dissatisfied was the ending. It ended with Mike up in "Heaven," but it felt a little out of place to me. I did, however, agree with how it ended, just was unhappy with the last few pages. Heinlein really created a whole other culture, then moved it to Earth, which is what made it so interesting for me. A great read.

5/5 stars

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