Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Time Traveler's Wife - Audrey Niffenegger

The Time Traveler's Wife was a quick read, though it was a lengthy book. I really enjoyed it! While I didn't particularly care for Niffenegger's writing style, I enjoyed the idea of time traveling and the deeper questions that it brought up. I am glad that I picked it up! My one qualm with this book is the ending. I felt that it just didn't quite tie up for being The Time Traveler's Wife. I felt that Clare's ending was incomplete, and I longed to know more about what happened to her after Henry's death. All in all, however, I loved the book!

It referenced Byatt's Possession a few times, so I believe that I will try it again sometime, just to see what it's really like.

4/5 stars

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Dolores Claiborne - Stephen King

I read this already. I forgot that I read it, but about 5 pages in, it all came back to me. I can't believe that I forgot that I read it! In any case, I skimmed over it. It wasn't a hard or a long read. It was enjoyable and much lighter than some of King's works. While it will never rank in the top 10 of my favorite of King's novels, it was much better than some of the other ones that I've read (Cujo and Christine come to mind.) All-in-all, it was a nice "study break," but not much more (and I don't think my opinion would have been different if I hadn't read it before).

3.5/5 stars

Vagabond - Bernard Cornwell

The second in Cornwell's "Grail Series" has pretty much lost my interest. I'll probably read the third one when I have nothing better to do, but I won't hurry my way towards it. Vagabond was slow paced and nothing much happened in it. I believed that I figured out what the grail was, but a classmate of mine who has read the series has informed me that I was wrong about that, which doesn't make a lot of sense to me. (Meaning: If I know what the grail is, then it was revealed too soon. If I'm mistaken, then a large portion of the book was even more useless than I'm assuming it to be.) Overall, I liked Cornwell's "Warlord Chronicles" (about King Arthur) a lot better than his "Grail Series." It's kind of disppointing because I usually enjoy this sort of Arthurian legend story, and this series just feels like a waste of time.

2/5 stars