Monday, June 28, 2010

Gone for Good - Harlan Coben

I was expecting to like this a lot more than I actually did. There were a bunch of twists and turns - there were probably more twists and turns packed into the last 60 pages than there are in most books of its genre. Yet, somehow, it was surprisingly unsuspensful. I wasn't draw into Coben's world and some sort of spark was missing. The characters were flat, for lack of a better word, and that took a lot away from the story, especially when the plot was such a tangled web. On the plus side, Coben's writing is fantastic, so the book was easy to read and enjoyable.

3/5 stars

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Stranger in a Strange Land - Robert Heinlein

Stranger in a Strange Land was a book that I wasn't expecting to read, but I found it in amongst the books in our attic. It was a great science fiction book, probably one of the best of the genre that I've read. It was amazing to consider how ahead of its time it was (it was written in the early 1960s, even before the Space Race). I can understand why it was so controversial, but I enjoyed every page of it. The only thing that left me a bit dissatisfied was the ending. It ended with Mike up in "Heaven," but it felt a little out of place to me. I did, however, agree with how it ended, just was unhappy with the last few pages. Heinlein really created a whole other culture, then moved it to Earth, which is what made it so interesting for me. A great read.

5/5 stars

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Nightmares and Dreamscapes - Stephen King

This was another collection of King's short stories - he calls it the final installment in a trilogy that is comprised of Skeleton Crew and Night Shift as well. Like always, there were good stories and there were bad stories. "Dolan's Cadillac" and "They Have a Hell of a Band" were my favorite stories, though "Umney's Last Case" was interesting as well, and stuck with you. King is simply a master of short stories, and I always enjoy picking up a collection.

4/5 stars

Peony in Love - Lisa See

This was the follow-up to Snow Flower and the Secret Fan. I was pretty sure that I would enjoy this book, so I didn't read the back cover and learned about it as I read. I was surprised when the narrator died about a third of the way through the book and continued to narrate in death. It was extremely unique and I really enjoyed the journey. It was another Chinese cultural novel, but showed a different side of Chinese culture. A lot of the cultural details were about Chinese beliefs about death, which were so foreign and fascinating to read about. I love immersing myself in other cultures through books - it makes for a wonderful ride.

4.5/5 stars.

Half the Sky - Nicolas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn

Another book club read. My email follows.
"Half the Sky was extremely different from what I usually read. I tend to favor fiction of any sort over non-fiction, but I didn't dislike this. I couldn't sit down and read large portions of this book at a time; instead, I read about a chapter a day throughout June. Doing that made it more enjoyable and manageable to read, because, in my opinion, it was too heavy to read all at once. I believe that the stories would have been less unique had they been lumped together. Actually, that is probably my largest criticism of the book. While I think that it raised some very important and interesting points, I also believe that it was heavy-handed and longer than it would have needed to be.

Many of the stories were, however, very interesting and heart-breaking. It's incredible to think that there are actually women who are treated this way in other parts of the world! Even more incredible is how resigned most of these women are to their situations, in some cases even encouraging the behavior (as is the case with female genital mutilation). It's an incredibly sad situation and the people who willingly go over there to help are, I believe, to be admired. That said, I do believe that they could have at least mentioned that it is not just overseas that this stuff happens. While women in America are not oppressed and have their rights, there is a serious sex trafficking business right here in America that should be stopped as well. Women's rights should be fought for at all levels, not just in the worst cases, and that means focusing on what's happening here, too.

Also, while I do think that Kristof and WuDunn acknowledged the cultural context of these problems, they most glossed over it. In some situations (sex trafficking or rape) it's not much of an issue, but in many other cases (FGM, the education of women, or the desire for sons) it is. They made it seem like a few classes would change the culture, but I don't believe that it would be that easy! While the cultural context doesn't make these things right, it does make them significantly harder to deal with, and I believe that it's important to keep the cultural context in mind when talking about these issues.

Interestingly enough, while I was reading Half the Sky, I picked up two books that were concerned with women's rights - Gone With the Wind and Peony in Love. Reading those two books in the larger women's rights context has been unique.

As far as the rest of the book goes - I was less impressed with the numbers and statistics than I was with the stories of the women. I think they erred when they wrote whole paragraphs (which turned into pages) of statistics instead of gently incorporating them into the stories or commentary. Much of the time I ended up skimming over these pages because it was so much to take in. Also, I thought that Kristof and WuDunn were unnecessarily slanted to the "left" while writing this book. I think that politics are irrelevant when talking about what "regular people" can do to help. All that the constant editorial comments about conservative politics ended up alienating me personally and I thought that this book was a prime example of one that could have been improved upon by eliminating the political slant.

In the end, I didn't dislike this book, but I didn't find it as wonderful or moving as a lot of people online seem to have found it. I thought the stories were interesting, the statistics useless, and the politics grated on me. Has anyone read Three Cups of Tea? I have heard that it is similar, and I wanted to pick it up, but if it's going to be more of the same, I believe I'll pass. It does, however, seem like it will be more uplifting and more about building schools (rather than just the sad stories) than Half the Sky. I'd be interested to hear any comments on Three Cups of Tea!"

2/5 stars

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Gone with the Wind - Margarat Mitchell

I love this book! The characters were enthralling and the story was captivating. I was surprised at how much the book focused on the Civil War, but it was all very interesting. The Civil War is something that I don't know much about and it was really something to read about it from the point of view from the South. The whole book was a very rewarding, exciting read.

5/5 stars

Olive Kitteridge - Elizabeth Strout

This was another one that I read for my book club. Since I can't attend the meetings, I sent them an email with my thoughts. This is a copy of my email with my thoughts on the book.
"I finished Olive Kitteridge this week. Overall, I thought it was okay. It was so unbelievably sad, and I don't think that I was in the mood for that. Otherwise, however, I thought that it was pretty good.

Strout's writing was unique, and I had different feelings about it throughout the book. I felt that she was writing as though we were observers in the town and we should know what had happened to these people. Sometimes I felt drawn in by this approach, and sometimes I felt alienated by it. Her writing, however, was beautiful and simplistic. I love how she wrote this as a series of short stories rather than a novel. I felt that the picture of the town was more complete and I stayed more interested in the story. The way that Olive touched every story (except for "Criminal" - I didn't really understand that, unless Olive was the woman on the phone with Rebecca) was so unique and interesting. I don't think that I would have been all that interested in Olive's life for an entire novel.

The tone of the book was so cyncial and sad, and that was the one major problem that I had with the book. I don't find life to be that sad, and in a lot of ways, I felt that this book was just a picture of life. It could have been so touching and so moving if it just hadn't been so cyncial. Nothing good happened to these people and the whole thing was just so sad.

I guess I'd have to wrap up my feelings about this book as ambivalent. While I didn't love it, I didn't hate it either."

3/5 stars